Philosophy and Approach

The philosophy to which I subscribe as a psychotherapist is relatively simple. We all develop, strengthen and let go of connections to people, places, things, dreams, ideas and beliefs as we go through our life’s journey. These connections dictate our sense of meaning in the world.    Additionally, everyone, from the toddler to the elderly, has a desire to believe that they matter and that they have something to contribute. I never stop considering this inner world of ours as I partner with you in therapy even if I meet with you once.

When you make your initial contact with me, we will discuss the purpose of your call and what your needs are. Then we will schedule an initial consultation and, once we agree to work together, from our very first interaction, I will give you an idea of what course and plan we will take based upon the additional information you provide. In some instances, your presenting issue can be addressed in my office with education and counseling with only a limited number of sessions. You will understand what the personalized plan is for you at the conclusion of our first meeting.